Command Function Description
motd say Shows the message of the day
pigstep function Get the url to a minecraft song called Pigstep
ch function Allows you to tune into a VenTalkie channel on the given tuner. ie. /23 ch 7577
list function lists all devices tuned into the channel, this is only for channel owners
ping function returns the time it took the server to respond
time function Tells you the current time in SLT
claimchan function lets you claim the channel if its not already claimed. This feature now costs GridPay P$ of 25P$
claimch function lets you claim the channel if its not already claimed. This feature now costs GridPay P$ of 25P$
setnick function sets your nickname. ie. /22 setnick ven the meerkat
menu say Opens your device's dialog menu
help function Shows all commands and info of what each command is. You can also do /22 help motd to get info of a single command